Poetrica> Album

Message submited by user by SMS displayed on the billboard

At Galeria Vermelho, the audiece was invited to send their messages to the electronic billboardand check the results and get images in real time from the billboard locations .

Electronic billboard in Berlin, Ku'dam, where the "ad_oetries" series are displayed during P0es1s

Poétrica - Exhibition in P0es1s, Kulturforum, Berlin

Poetrica involves a series of visual poems (Nomadic Poems) composed with non-phonetic fonts to be displayed in diiferent formtas and media. In this picture, ploted version "lain_angela = new" (1,70 x 90)

Working on Poetrica DVD. Desktop screen shot displaying frame of the teleintervention at Av. Paulista

Teleintervention view.. On the billboard, message sent in real time by the web

Imagens textuais produzidas por participantes do projeto pela Internet.

Durante a teleintervenção (out/nov. 2003), Poétrica recebia mensagens via web, wap e SMS que eram enviado aos painéis eletrôncios que abrigaram o projeto, em torno da Galeria Vermelho (Consolação, Rebouças e Paulista).

Os textos digitados eram depois convertidos em fontes não fonéticas.

Todas as mensagens/imagens produzidas estão arquivadas na Galeria deste site que continua recebendo e arquivando as mensagens dos participantes do projeto.

No topo, o texto diz:
ciao renato, sono renato, ti leggo tra un po

Abaixo, mensagem enviada foi:
bom dia pra vc, ivone!! saudades de vc o tempo todo.

Para ler, visualizar, compor e enviar sua mensagem, clique aqui

Poetrica introduction for the ad_oetries series conceived to announce P0es1s show in electronic billboards and movie theathers in Berlin

Poetrica exhibition room at Kultturforum - Giselle Beiguelman and Friedrich Block, P0es1s curator, check the large prints of Poetrica before their placement on the wall. Click here to download the posters.

Final images of the ad_oetries series displayed at Ku'damm billboard in Berlin, viewd from Cafe Kranzler

Screen shot of img_txt, one the ad_oetries conceived to announce Poetrica in movie theaters in Berlin

frame from txt_me, one of the ad_oetries (ads+poetry) displayed at Ku'damm billboard.




Poetrica - teleintervention - SP

Poetrica teleintervetion - SP

Poetrica - PDA

Poetrica - ploters

Poetrica - DVD

Poetrica - Web

Poetrica Exhibition - Galeria Vermelho

Webcams - Galeria Vermelho

Billboard Web Interface

Billboard - Berlin

Billboard - Berlin - take02

Billboard - Berlin - take03

Billboard Berlin - take04

Poetrica in the movies (35 mm)

Exhibiton sketch - P0es1s - Berlin

Poetrica exhibition at Poes1s - Kulturforum - Berlin


all pictures, except Poetrica - PDA, by Helga Stein